Thursday, April 4, 2019

Number 12 for Chase

When I reflect on Chase’s life the first thing that comes to my mind is Chase’s birth. It was by far the easiest birth out of my three kids. That’s kind of life him now.  Chase is normally pretty easy going. Some things that I love about Chase is his tender heart. He is very sensitive to lots of things. He’s afraid of the dark and sleeps with stuffed animals all lined up on the side of the bed that touches the wall. He sleeps with a pug dog, a little blanket and another dog and his baby blanket. He puts his blue blanket under his head and pulls up his sheet up over his head and tucks it in the back of his head and goes to sleep. It’s a production but it works for him. He loves his brother and plays super hard with him. He loves baseball and most days there’s arguing in the front yard about whose safe or bad calls on pitches or pegging each other. It’s nonstop. Chase is great at every sport he tries. This past year chase was on the cross country team at his school and was the fastest runner on the team. He played basketball for the city and was the fastest rebounder on the team. He’s got wheels. He loves running club at school and will not miss a Friday of school because he doesn’t want to miss being the fastest runner. Chase is a good student. He comes right home and does he homework. Chase is a great kid and I love him with all of my heart. He makes me very proud to be his MOM.