Sunday, January 2, 2011

San Elijo week with the Miller Family 2010

A long time coming post...
Our family went to the beach in July with almost the whole Miller family..
We had a nice relaxing week..enjoying time with family and even celebrating our 16th year anniversary.

Some of my favorite shots of my most favorite little girl!

Chase with Daddy completely pooped out...

Why not a little bit of surfing...
Thinking...I really want to try..
Chase with one of his favorite cousins..
Mallory with her twin as she calls her.

little huz
this looks pretty this how they do it?
We were surprised with a cake and singing the night of our anniversary.
Happy 16th Anniversary hunny!


Erin Lee said...

16??!!! I need some clarification....did you get married when you were 12??

Stephanie and her fam stopped by my parents house this weeekend and was telling me how you girls all married young....she's not kidding!
