Friday, January 7, 2011

Mallory's First Day of School

The first day of school. I dreaded this day for a while. I had such real emotions of what was happening in my life. I didn't want to give my sweet little girl up 5 days a week and hardly have control of what she was doing at school...(I might have some control issues...I would assume)
I had a long year of determining where she was going to go to school..doing research upon research of schools making sure she was going to be going to school where I felt comfortable placing her, where they promoted good academics and the kind of friends she would be making. I know you are reading this and you are saying yep, I am definitely a first time mom..but in all reality I AM.
To say the least.. Mallory got into a terrific school... has an awesome teacher has learned a lot and has made friends with a lot of really fun little kids.
I couldn't be happier with her first year of school.

Mallory leaving to school.
This is what Scott and I left with...
as tears filled my eyes
This is what she brought home
And, this was a special something that came home with her.


Dana said...

How cute! Her dress is to.die.for!! Hope I get a girl someday as cute as Mallory is! I need to know who her teacher is too!

Miller Family said...

I love those two cute! I'm nervous about Gracie starting too!

Sam and Janiece said...

Ah...such precious moments!